Online Training of Labor Force Survey August 2020 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Karanganyar Regency

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Online Training of Labor Force Survey August 2020

 Online Training of Labor Force Survey August 2020

July 23, 2020 | BPS Activities

The condition of the Covid Pandemic19 which is not yet over, is not an obstacle for BPS to continue to provide quality and sustainable data. In August 2020, as in previous years BPS always conducts national labor force surveys (Sakernas) twice a year, namely February and August. With due regard to safety and health protocols, this July, starting on July 23-25, 2020 Bps Karanganyar Regency conducts online training of Sakernas officers. The training continues according to the SOP and without reducing the quality of the material being taught. All officers must take part in this online training before finally going to the field in August. It is hoped that officers and supervisors will be able to absorb all the material and concepts taught so that they can shoot objectively and produce quality data.
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