The 2020 POPULATION CENSUS Results Consolidation and Reconciliation Meeting - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Karanganyar Regency

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The 2020 POPULATION CENSUS Results Consolidation and Reconciliation Meeting

 The 2020 POPULATION CENSUS Results Consolidation and Reconciliation Meeting

November 18, 2020 | BPS Activities

The series of activities for the 2020 POPULATION CENSUS are still ongoing, after the September 2020 population census field activities, an evaluation of the results of the 2020 Population Census is required. Wednesday, 18 November 2020, the SP 2020 Consolidation and Reconciliation Meeting for the results of the SP 2020 was attended by Bps throughout the Surakarta Korwil (Karanganyar, Surakarta, Sukoharjo, Wonogiri, Sragen, Boyolali). The event was hosted by Bob Setiabudi (Head of Ipds Bps Central Java Province) as the Surakarta Korwil and attended by Heads of Bps Districts / Cities throughout the Surakarta Korwil and Tima Mako. This activity aims to capture the demographic phenomenon of the population around the Surakarta Korwil, it is hoped that the results of the 2020 Population Census are in accordance with the actual facts and conditions in the field.
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