Village Potential Data Collection Officer (Podes) Training 2021 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Karanganyar Regency

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Village Potential Data Collection Officer (Podes) Training 2021

Village Potential Data Collection Officer (Podes) Training 2021

May 27, 2021 | BPS Activities

Starting from May 24, 2021, BPS Karanganyar Regency conducted training for Village Potential data collection officers (Podes) 2021. This activity will last for 3 days and will end on May 27, 2021.

In general, the objectives of the 2021 Podes are to produce data for regional development needs, provide data on the potential of the area, the availability of infrastructure / facilities, and the socio-economic conditions in each village / kelurahan. One of the specific objectives of this activity is to provide data that can support the planning of the 2023 Agricultural Census.

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