Socialization of One Indonesian Data and Utilization of Statistical Metadata - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Karanganyar Regency

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Socialization of One Indonesian Data and Utilization of Statistical Metadata

Socialization of One Indonesian Data and Utilization of Statistical Metadata

November 25, 2021 | Other Activities

Thursday, November 25, 2021, at the Baperlitbang Meeting Room, BPS in collaboration with Baperlitbang and the Department of Communication and Informatics of Karanganyar Regency held the Socialization of One Indonesian Data (SDI) and Utilization of Statistical Metadata.

This activity is carried out in order to realize One Indonesian Data as stated in Presidential Regulation No. 39 of 2019. It is hoped that through this activity, OPD as a data producer, DIskominfo as data guardian, and BPS as data builder will have the same understanding of SDI according to its principles. namely one data standard, one metadata, interoperability, and reference code. Furthermore, cooperation and coordination are needed so that SDI can be realized immediately.
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