The Room Occupancy Rate (TPK) Starred hotels in Jawa Tengah in September amounted to 28.13 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Karanganyar Regency

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The Room Occupancy Rate (TPK) Starred hotels in Jawa Tengah in September amounted to 28.13 percent

Release Date : November 26, 2020
File Size : 1.23 MB


    Foreign tourists (tourists) who visit Jawa Tengah through the entrance to Adi Sumarmo Airport have zero visits, while Ahmad Yani in September 2020 saw 10 visits. This condition has slightly increased compared to August 2020 where absolutely no foreign tourists visited Jawa Tengah
  • During the pandemic (covid-19) from May to August there were no foreign tourists visiting Jawa Tengah, only in September there were 10 foreign tourists visiting Russian citizens
  • The Room Occupancy Rate (TPK) of star hotels in Jawa Tengah in September 2020 was recorded at 28.13 percent, a decrease of 0.79 points compared to the ROR for August which was recorded at 0.79 percent. When compared to the same period in 2019, the ROR for September 2020 also decreased by 16.93 points
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