Socialization SE016 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Karanganyar Regency

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Socialization SE016

Socialization SE016

May 1, 2016 | BPS Activities

2016 Economic Census (2016 SE) in Karanganyar involving 1,081 officers. Consisting of 806 field enumerators and 275 supervisors field, which will record the respondents in 177 villages / wards in Karanganyar. This was said by the head of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) Karanganyar, Sunardi, Friday (29/04) morning, on the sidelines of the 2016 Economic Census Dissemination Phase II, at Taman Sari. "Census lasted for one month, starting from the date of May 2016. 1-31 The counter clerk came to the respondent may morning, noon, and night," said Sunardi. Economic Census conducted every 10 years is an attempt to collect and present the basic data across many economic activities, except agriculture. "Coverage of the census of all businesses / companies non-farm, which is located fixed / permanent, such as in malls, offices, markets. Can be fixed location such as a street, shocked the market, the business around and in the shop, "he said. Results obtained from SE this year is mapping the economic potentials of the region according to industry and businesses, the reference standard economic indicators, preparation of a sample frame for the share of survey activities. "Also including the development and updating of integrated database, according to the business characteristics of the business scale, karakteistik businesses, mapping the competitiveness of businesses by region and business prospects and investment planning in Indonesia," said Sunardi. Meanwhile the same place, Karanganyar Regent, Juliyatmono, asking respondents to provide data that is honest and open. "Do not be covered up, give the respondent data to the officer honestly and accurately," please Regent Juliyatmono.pd Category: News, Economy Bookmarks: Regent, Karanganyar, agriculture, SE, Taman Sari Date: 29 April 2016, Dishubkominfo
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